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Real men marry dancers. Really good men become them.
You don't get it, it's a Dance thing!
Dancers are the athletes of God - Albert Einstein
Support the Arts: Hug a dancer!
If I have to explain Dancing to you, you won't get it.
To DANCE is to LIVE -- To Live is to Dance!!!
If you don't think dancers are athletes THINK AGAIN!!!!
Life is a simple routine: Eat, Sleep, DANCE,
Eat, Sleep, DANCE, Eat, Sleep, DANCE...........
Been There.... Danced that
Dancers- Football players with TALENT!
Visualize World Dance
If your got it, flaunt it! DANCE!
Ballet. It's Gotta Be The Shoes
Dancers Don't Die, They Just Leap From Barre to Barre
It's Hard To Be Humble When You're A Dancer!
Dance Teachers Keep You On Your Toes
Dancers have a pointe
Drill Team, or my boyfriend? When do we practice??
My boyfriend said, me or Drill Team...Gosh I'm gonna miss him!!
DANCE is JOY. DANCE is LOVE. DANCE is what DREAMS are made of.
for everything there is season and a time every matter under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill and a time to heal;
a time to break down and a time to build up;
a time mourn and a time to dance;
Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
If you don't dance for two days, you notice.
If you don't dance for four days, everyone notices.
Of course I have an ATTITUDE, I'm a dancer!
If you don't dance, no second glance!
Can't never could nor will he ever!
Practice doesn't make perfect... it makes permanent!
Leap, jump, twirl..... Get the Pointe????? Then DANCE!!!!!!
When AIDS is stopped we will dance for joy. Until then we will dance for life.
Dance is Life, the rest is just rehearsal.
DANCE. Nothing else matters!
if you dance once, you dance for ever...
Dancers always win!
If you don't have the attitude, WHY DANCE?
Football players call it training; Dancers call it ROUTINE!
Dancer In Vicious Attitude

Dance Genesis 1:1 - 1:15

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "spots" and the darkness he called "to-black." And there was dinner, and there was sleep - the first day.

And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the wings to separate wing from wing." So God made the expanse and separated the wing on the left from the wing on the right. And it was so. God called the expanse "stage." And there was a dinner, and there was sleep - the second day.

And God said, "Let the surface of the stage be dry and forgiving, and let the soda stay gathered in bottles." And it was so. God called the stage surface 'marley' and the gathered soda he called "Coke." And God saw that it was good.

And God said, "Let the people produce Art : music and dance on the stage to provoke thought, according to their various needs." And God saw that it was good. And there was tech, and there was morning, and there was no sleep -- the third day. And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the house, and let them serve as signs to mark the beginning of the season, and let them draw the people in." And it was so. God made the two great house lights dim and He set a lesser light on the stage. God saw that it was good and called it the "premier," and it fell on the evening of the fourth day.

And God caused his chosen director to appear upon the stage, and the director was within the spot light that God set upon the stage. God's director welcomed the people, and made an appeal to the masses for membership and tithing. God saw the donations and was much relieved.

And God caused his chosen director to leave the stage, and parted the mighty walls of velvet curtains so that the people might enjoy the stage. And God saw that the performance had begun, and it was good.

And God said to the reporters gathered after the show, "We need a name for this show -- let it be called Genesis. Who? Oh her! That dancer is Eve."

"You wouldn't understand....It's a dance thing."
"Just Dance it!"
"If dance was easy, it would be called football!"
"Football players practice, DANCERS WORK!"
"Dancers Have the Best Buns"
Dancers' Attitudes Never Cease, Ever!
Dizzying Altitudes, Never-ending Combinations. Extreme, Radical Spinz!
Dazzling Acrobat, Never Collapsing, Exhausted Revelry!
Bearing Always Lightness, Lovely, Ethereal Tender
"It's great to be light on your feet!"
"Once a Dancer, Always a Dancer"
"Dance is Real Life-The Rest Is Just Details"
"I am dancer watch me jete."
"I brake for dancers."
"Bailar, es una manera de existir"
(Dance is a way of life.)
"Bailar es una disciplina de todas las horas, de todos los dias,
pero tambien es una felicidad para toda la vida"
(Dance is an hourly and daily discipline, but it is also lifelong happiness.)
"You've danced your way into my heart."
"I Dance Therefore I Am"
"Sleep perdance to DREAM."
"I'd rather be dancing!"
"Real men marry dancers."
(and they're happy to record the big game to watch your performance - ed)
"Dancing is life, everything else is just details."
"Dance to Live or Live to Dance?"
"If you think dancers aren't athletes
"I plie therefore I jete"
"Dancer with an attitude!"
"Ballet dancers always have a pointe"
"Dancers turn out better!"
"keep on dancin'"
"If ballet were easy they'd call it hockey."
"I'd Rather Be Dancing."
"Life is Simple.
Eat. Sleep. DANCE."
"To Know Dance
Is to Love Dance."
"Eat, Sleep, and be Dancey!"
"Tendues, Jetes, Pirouettes.
Not necessarily in that order."
"Ballet. Nothing else matters."
"Ballet. The Ultimate Dancing Machine."
"Air Joffery"
"Just Tendue it."
"Ballet. We love to fly in our shows."
Rhythmic Gymnastics
(Ballet for a politically correct world)
"Ballet. The Few. The Proud. The Pink."




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