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della danza ----> assemblé |
Termine francese
della danza
accademica che indica il salto
che il ballerino compie giungendo
a terra con ambedue le gambe
in posizione chiusa.
or joined together. A step in
which the working foot slides
well along the ground before
being swept into the air. As
the foot goes into the air the
dancer pushes off the floor
with the supporting leg, extending
the toes. Both legs come to
the ground simultaneously in
the fifth position. If an assemblé
is porté it requires
a preparatory step such as a
glissade to precede it. If an
assemblé is en tournant
it must be preceded by apreparatory
step. Assemblés are done
petit or grand according to
the height of the battement
and are executeddessus, dessous,
devant, derrière, en
avant, en arrière and
en tournant. They may be done
en face, croisé, effacé
orécarté. Assemblé
may also be done with a beat
for greater brilliance. In the
Cecchetti assemblé both
knees are bent and drawn up
after the battement so that
the flat of the toes of both
feet meet while the body is
in the air.
E' pertanto
un salto che conclude un movimento.
- Luigi Rossi, Dizionario
di Balletto, Edizioni
della Danza, Vercelli 1977
- American
Ballet Theater, online
ballet dictionary
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